Building Futures

CCG and South Lanarkshire Council

Whitlawburn and its residents have been given a new lease of life thanks to housing-led regeneration from CCG, South Lanarkshire Council and hub South West.

For many years, the district of Cambuslang had a stark reputation of having homes that were not fit for purpose and housing estates that fostered a culture of anti-social behaviour. In 2018, steps were taken to transform the area with new homes; CCG, based within two miles of the development were tasked to take the 350-home scheme and deliver a housing mix that addressed key challenges facing tenants such as fuel poverty and poor accessibility whilst improving connectivity and the available, useable amenity space.

The result is the new ‘Whitlawburn Regeneration’, a 311-home, mixed-tenure masterplan that includes 230 affordable homes that have been designed from the ground up to support the long-term needs of tenants and those of clients South Lanarkshire Council and West Whitlawburn Housing Cooperative. A success? Let’s find out…

“When we got the keys I couldn’t believe it, all of our dreams had come true. The room sizes, the storage space (fitted wardrobes in every bedroom), the safe and secure garden, WiFi all ready to go, stunning kitchen and 3 bathrooms!! (We only had one before), the driveway, Not to mention the solar panels, that make our bills less scary to open every month. So energy efficient. My youngest son is gravely ill and recently got a wheelchair. The wide door frames make it easy to manoeuvre him around and the stair lift sockets all ready in place if it’s ever needed in future, I honestly feel like this house was made for us.” Laurie Cameron

“The heating is a fantastic system that is easy to programme and so efficient. The whole property is so cost effective to run, particularly in summer when you get great savings from the solar panels.

We love the clean and tidy look of the property, year round with the monoblock areas to the front and back which are both practical and low maintenance. Overall, we cannot fault our new CCG home, it has dramatically changed our way of living and we hope to spend many happy years enjoying it. Thank you CCG and SLC!” Paula Page

“It has exceeded our expectations and more and we feel very grateful to have a CCG home, these homes just seem to totally stand out from other new build homes with the different coloured brick and the huge windows. We were pleasantly surprised with how big the rooms are, we’ve always heard new build homes seem to have quite small rooms and not a lot of storage and these houses seem to be the opposite…The best thing for our family has been the heating – I love that I can set upstairs and downstairs to the ideal temperature and then don’t need to touch the heating, and know we’ll all be kept warm and with that, the other advantage is to have hot water whenever we like and at such a reasonable price. ” Suzanne Lafferty

“I love my new amenity flat as the rooms are much larger than I expected and there is plenty of cupboard space…I find it’s a lot quieter, and it is great having a lift and I think the layout of the building is well thought out especially for older/infirm residents.” Linda Blackburn