Building Futures


A Passivhaus-certified standard of build is one of the most advanced available in the UK today and CCG is one of Scotland’s foremost adopters as a result of our capabilities in the offsite manufacture of timber systems.

Passivhaus buildings provide a high level of occupant comfort using very little energy for heating and cooling with the adoption of a whole-building approach to deliver clear, measured targets that focus on high-quality construction that is certified through an exacting quality assurance process.

To achieve the Passivhaus Standard in the UK typically involves:

  • very high levels of insulation
  • extremely high-performance windows with insulated frames
  • airtight building fabric
  • ‘thermal bridge free’ construction
  • a mechanical ventilation system with highly efficient heat recovery

For CCG, as a result of our advanced capabilities in the offsite manufacture of the ‘iQ’ Timber System, we are able to produce Passivhaus homes on a high-volume basis with a proven track record of delivery extending over a period of 10 years and over 60+ homes.

Check out some of our case studies to find out more.